
Showing posts from 2025

Album Covers Featuring Vans & Campervans

  Album cover vans... I thought it was about time that I combined my love of  music, with my passion for campervans, and light commercial vans in general. What better way to accomplish that, than taking a look at the various campervans and basic vans which have appeared on album covers over the years. As you might expect, it is the iconic VW marque which leads the way, appearing not only on 60s and 70s album covers, but is still very much in vogue with young musicians of the present. What follows are a sample of album covers which feature either a campervan or basic light commercial van....I'll add more as I discover them. Bob Dylan---Freewheelin So, what ranks as one of the most well known album covers featuring a van? For many it will be the 1963 album by Bob Dylan, 'Freewheelin', which has that famous picture of Bob and his then girlfriend, Suze Rotolo walking down the centre of the street (West 4th Street, New York), with the iconic splitscreen VW on one side. The photo...